Starting us off we have a Free Carabiner. These are nice, especially with kids, for keeping track of keys! Put in on your keychain, and then you can clip them to your belt loop, or often there will be a loop right inside your purse or diaper bag. Makes it lots easier to find/get to your keys when you've got your kids with you. (and when you don't).This is from ALTCO in celebration of their 60th anniversary. Go here to request yours. Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.
Thanks Our Thrifty Ideas
Next on our list is a free sample of Dove Moisture Hair Care. This is through Costco, and you do need your membership number. Go here to request it and allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.
Thanks Freebies2Deals
And now we have a free sample of Moist Sure. It is a hand soap with lotion in it. Go here to get your freebie. Just fill out your info, hit submit, and wait 3-4 weeks for your sample.
Here we have a free sample of Loctite. (I'm guessing super-glue-esque) Now, on this one you do have to have a company name, but you can make one up, or even put in "______ Household" as yours (with your last name filling in the blank" It doesn't say it has to be a formed company. ;) I used my blog title.
Thanks Our Thrifty Ideas
Okay, this one isn't exactly a get-something-in-the-mailbox freebie. However, Odwalla is offering to plant trees in whatever state you request. They are going to plan 175,000 trees, or go until August 17th. Let's make it so they don't get to their deadline, they are currently at about 41.5 thousand. I would much rather have them run out of trees to plant. Head on over to the Odwalla Plant a Tree Page to say which state you want to have a little more green. It does ask to connect to your facebook account, but it also gives you an option of just entering in some of your info instead.
Thanks Freebies 2 Deals.
Thanks Our Thrify Ideas .
Well, good luck everyone. Have a fantastic weekend.