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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Ad match-ups for the week of March 15-20

Okay everyone, I figured that since I match things up anyway, I'd let you all take a peek at my list. Most of these are from the Sunday papers, but I didn't write which week (sorry, maybe next time) However, I found this great website, that you can go to, and enter in the brand name, and it will tell you what coupons are available from the Sunday papers, and then tell you what insert they're from! Great isn't it! If the coupon isn't on the list, then I probably printed it from online, from either Coupons.com, smartsource.com, or target's coupons. So yeah, here ya go. Next time I'll try to be better about getting you the specific coupons.

Coupon Deals March 15-20
Rite Aid
-Candy $1.99
            $2/3 RA cpn
            $2/3 mfr cpn (3/14 ss)
            $0.66 ea OOP wyb3
-Puffs facial tissue(60 or 108ct) $0.79
            b2g1 free mfr cpn (must be Vicks)
            $0.53 ea OOP wyb 3
-Dawn or Joy Dishwashing liquid (10oz) $0.79
            $0.25 Dawn cpn
            $0.30 Joy cpn
            $0.54 or $0.49 OOP
-Viva paper towels 8 rolls $5.99
            $0.40 mfr cpn
            $5.59 OOP
-Cottonelle toilet paper 12pk $5.99
            $0.50 mfr cpn
            $5.49 OOP
-Johnson’s Baby shampoo 20oz $5.49
            $1 RA cpn
            $1 mfr cpn
            $3.49 OOP
-Maybelline eye cosmetics $4.99 and up b1g1 50%
            $3.75 ea OOP wyb2
-Revlon color cosmetics/tools $2.49 and up b1g1 50%
            $1 mfr cpn
            $0.87 ea OOP wyb2
-Almay foundation/powder, concealer/blush $7.29 and up b1g1 50%
            $5 SCR wyb2
            $5.45 ea OOP wyb2
-Gillette Disposable Razors $5.99
            $1 RA cpn
            $4.99 OOP

-Haagen Daz Ice cream 14 oz 2/$6
            $1/2 mfr cpn
            $2.50 ea OOP wyb2
-Gold Medal Flour 2/$3
            $0.75 mfr cpn
            $0.75 OOP
-Old Spice or Secret Deodorant $2.29
            $1 OS cpn
            $0.50 S cpn
            $1.29 or $1.79 OOP
-Colgate Toothpaste $3.99
            $3.99 RR
            $1 mfr cpn
            $2.99 OOP
-Kleenex $0.89 (limit 3)
            $0.50/3 mfr cpn
            $0.72 ea OOP wyb3

-Vitamin Water $1
- Gillette Venus/Fusion Razors $7
            $5 gift card wyb2 (includes cartridges)
            $4 Fusion cpn
            $3 OOP
-Windex 2/$5
            $0.55 mfr cpn
            $1.95 OOP
-Hamburger Helper $1
            $0.75/3 mfr cpn
            $0.75 ea OOP wyb3
-Colgate cavity protection toothpaste (4.2oz) $1
-Softsoap hand soap $1
-Green Giant frozen veggies (7-12oz) $1
            $0.75 ea OOP wyb 2
-Huggies Snug & Dry 2/$17
            $1.50 Target cpn
            $1 Target cpn
            $7.25 ea OOP
Price match Maceys
-Kelloggs pop tarts $1.48
            $5 gift card wyb4
            $1/2 mfr cpn
            2 $1/3 mfr cpn
            $1.11 ea OOP
-Downy fabric Softener 40oz $3.98
            $1 mfr cpn
            $2.98 OOP

-Kelloggs cereal $1.88 w/in-ad cpn
            $1/2 mfr cpn (3/7 RP)
            $1.38 ea OOP

Family Fresh Foods
-Pilsbury dough (pizza, French bread) 3/$5
            $0.35 pizza cpn (doubles)
            $1.43 ea OOP
-Stouffer’s family sized $9.99
            $1/1 mfr cpn (doubles)
            $7.99 OOP
-Prego pasta sauce $1.39
            $0.89 ea OOP
-Kelloggs cereal 4/$10
            $1/2 mfr cpn (3/7 RP)
            $1.50/2 mfr cpn (mini wheats)
            $1.50 ea OOP
-Sara Lee Bread $1.79
            $0.55 mfr cpn (DND)
            $1.24 OOP
-Johnsonville sausage $2.79
            $0.55 mfr cpn (doubles)
            $1.79 OOP
-Hillshire farms deli select meats $3.19
            $0.35 mfr cpn (doubles)
            $2.49 OOP
-Downy fabric softener 40oz $4.79
            $1 mfr cpn (doubles)
            $2.79 OOP

1 comment:

  1. We've been saving a lot of money on bread by going to the Sara Lee bakery outlet on State between 1200 and 1600 North - we bought Sara Lee bread for 50 cents a loaf there a few weeks ago.
