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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Different sort of Freebie Roundup

I've been giving you guys all these freebies that I've been finding. Well... They definitely have started coming in for me. I think I got something free every day this past week. In fact, here is a picture of everything that came in my mailbox this past week.

My favorite deals

Okay, so looking through the ads from today's paper, I didn't find many deals that I thought were very good. But here are my 2 favorites:
Rite Aid:
Gillette Fusion Razors $8.99
      SCR $4
      $4 mfr cpn (PG 4/4)
      $4.99 OOP (but get $4 back later)

Schick Quattro/Intuition razors $6.99
      $5 gift card wyb2
      $4 mfr cpn (for either) (SS 2/28)
      $2.99 OOP (but get $5 back)
Total after rebates and gift cards? $2 total for 3 razors