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Monday, May 24, 2010

Walgreens 101

Okay, I know some people have been telling me they aren't quite able to figure out how to get the best deals at some of the stores, and I know that when I first started out, Walgreen's was one of the most difficult stores to figure out. SO... Walgreen's is going to be my first in a series of 'store 101' posts. Hopefully these are helpful.

About Register Rewards
-A Register Reward (RR) is a coupon that prints out with your receipt. You don't have to ask for it, it will automatically print if you fulfilled the requirements listed in the ad.
-You can only get 1 Register Reward per transaction for a certain product. So, if you have 3 coupons for toothpaste, and want to get the RR with it for all of them, you will need to do 3 transactions.
-However, you can buy multiple DIFFERENT items that all have a RR on the same transaction, and you will get all of them. So, you have a toothpaste and a tampon RR you are trying to get, you can buy both in the same transaction, and get both Register Rewards.
-Do not pay for a transaction with a Register Reward from the same item, if you are expecting another RR to print out. If you use a $2 Carefree RR to pay for a Carefree item that offers a RR, the new RR will not print.
-A Register Reward counts as a manufacturer coupon in the count. 
          -Walgreen's will only allow you to have 1 Mfr coupon per item. So, say for example you have 3 coupons from the Sunday paper, and you want to use a RR as well, you will need to have 4 items. The Register reward counts as a mfr cpn in this instance. 
Other Walgreen's Info
-You must always pay sales tax. This doesn't seem like a big issue right off the bat, but it can cause you some interesting issues. Where that becomes a problem is with the super-duper deals where you get things for less than free with coupons and previous RRs. So, say for example, you have a $5 RR. You are buying shampoo, and you have a coupon that makes that item $4.99. YOU WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO USE THE RR! They won't adjust the coupon like most places will. You will have to buy a filler item. Now, they do have things like pencils for 10 cents, so it doesn't have to be a huge deal. Or, I usually find something in their ad that week that is a killer deal without coupons, (and I don't have any coupons for) and I'll use that as my filler, so it is at least something I will use. 
-Walgreen's does not have a corporate coupon policy. Managers can decide at any given time whether or not they want to take your coupon.  So, the deals that I post may not work for you at your Walgreen's, if you have a manager who is clueless on how to use coupons. I've not generally had a problem with the Orem Walgreen's if someone needs a new one to go to.
-Most places, it is 'generally understood' (so to speak) that you give the manufacturer coupons to the cashier first, and then the store coupons.  However, if you've been having problems with it beeping at you, Melea, over at Freebies2Deals talked to one of the managers and he said to give the store coupons first. So if you've been beeped too many times, try switching that around.

As an extra note: Your Walgreen's may not restock on Monday or Tuesday, so you go, thinking to get the deals, and the shelves are empty. Ask which day your Walgreen's restocks. It may be that they restock on Wednesday, and so if you wait until mid-week to hit the store, you'll get the best deals, and the best availability.

I hope this helps keep confusion at bay.

Sunday paper deals:

Okay, so I personally didn't find tons of deals in the Sunday ads yesterday, however I know that Freebies2Deals and Savvy Sister Shops both did find more. I like to follow multiple blogs, because different things catch the eye of different people. So here are the things that caught my eye. The only ones I found were at Rite Aid and Walgreens.
Rite Aid
 -Cascade Dishwasher detergent 45oz or 15ct action packs  $2.99
            $2 SCR
            $0.25 mfr cpn (PG 5/2)
            $0.74 OOP
Coming soon, Walgreens 101. If you are new to Walgreens or just need a refresher course look here
-Hunt’s Tomato Sauce $0.25
-Keebler Cookies 4/$10
            $5 RR wby 4
            $0.55/2 cookies mfr cpn
            $0.55 Sandies mfr cpn
            $2.09 ea OOP        
-Jell-O 2/$1
-Scrubbing Bubbles Extend-A-Clean $7.99
            $2 RR
            $5 mfr cpn
            $2.99 OOP
-Huggies Little Swimmer Diapers 10-12pk $6.99
            $2 in store cpn
            $1.50 mfr cpn printable 
-Goody Ouchless Barrette or Headband $2.99
            $2.99 RR
            $2.99 OOP
-Pantene Hair Care 2/$7
            $2 RR
            $1 mfr cpn (back of Parade insert 5/23)
            $2.50 ea OOP
-Complete Multi-Purpose Solution $7.99
            $7.99 RR
            $7.99 OOP
-Colgate Toothpaste $2.99
            $2 RR
            $1 mfr cpn
            $1.99 OOP
  So, those are the deals I found. Have fun, get clipping, and get saving!